Gene XP_010925099.1

Sequence ID XP_010925099.1  add to my list
Species Elaeis guineensis
Alias No gene alias
Length 153aa
Gene Ontology
Open Display term(s) (1)
metal ion transport
GO:0030001 - metal ion transport

Length: 153 amino acids


Clustering Level Family ID Family Name
Heavy metal transport/detoxification protein superfamily
Heavy metal transport/detoxification protein superfamily
2 GP015837 Unannotated cluster
3 GP040905 Unannotated cluster
4 GP070656 Unannotated cluster
Table 1: This table displays which families the selected sequence belongs to in GreenPhyl clustering ?.

ID Name Type
Heavy metal-associated domain, HMA
Heavy metal-associated domain, HMA Domain
Heavy metal-associated domain superfamily
Heavy metal-associated domain superfamily Homologous_superfamily

IPR006121 IPR036163
Figure 1: IPR domains for XP_010925099.1

Homology RBH
Similar Sequence ID Type Evolutionary distance Node distance score e-value
Dr20434 orthology 0.586 4 173.3 1e-43
Mba01_g17650.1 orthology 0.358 4 - -
Mba08_g26390.1 orthology 0.384 4 214.5 5e-56
ORGLA01G0170900.1 orthology 1 5 - -
XP_008809019.1 orthology 0.067 2 288.1 5.3e-78
bradi_pan_p042928 orthology 1 6 - -
cocnu_pan_p007495 orthology 0.0618 1 264 1.15e-92
maize_pan_p021681 orthology 1 6 - -
musac_pan_p002002 orthology 0.358 4 - -
musac_pan_p039784 orthology 0.402 4 210 5.55e-71
sorbi_pan_p016251 orthology 1 6 - -
tritu_pan_p003582 orthology 1 6 - -