Gene ipotf_pan_p021052

Sequence ID ipotf_pan_p021052  add to my list
Species Ipomoea trifida
Alias No gene alias
Pangenome status Dispensable (1/2)
Length 159aa
Gene Ontology
Open Display term(s) (1)
metal ion transport
GO:0030001 - metal ion transport

Length: 159 amino acids


Clustering Level Family ID Family Name
Heavy metal transport/detoxification protein superfamily
Heavy metal transport/detoxification protein superfamily
2 GP241299 Unannotated cluster
3 GP344409 Unannotated cluster
4 GP489165 Unannotated cluster
Table 1: This table displays which families the selected sequence belongs to in GreenPhyl clustering ?.

ID Name Type
Heavy metal-associated domain, HMA
Heavy metal-associated domain, HMA Domain
Heavy metal-associated domain superfamily
Heavy metal-associated domain superfamily Homologous_superfamily

IPR006121 IPR036163
Figure 1: IPR domains for ipotf_pan_p021052

Represented sequence(s):
Unrepresented genome(s):

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. itf02g27750.t1 0.00 7.86 3.20 7.18 7.16 13.19
2. itf02g24490.t1 7.86 0.00 4.51 5.17 13.30 11.54
3. itf02g24510.t1 3.20 4.51 0.00 5.17 7.91 10.73
4. itf02g27270.t1 7.18 5.17 5.17 0.00 12.51 9.92
5. itf02g24500.t1 7.16 13.30 7.91 12.51 0.00 15.73
6. itf02g24560.t1 13.19 11.54 10.73 9.92 15.73 0.00

Homology RBH
Similar Sequence ID Type Evolutionary distance Node distance score e-value
Oeu049387.1 orthology 1 3 - -
PGSC0003DMP400038366 orthology 1 5 - -
Solyc07g065430.2.1 orthology 1 5 - -
capan_pan_p030197 orthology 1 4 - -
itb02g23000.t1 orthology 0.214 1 - -