Family GP006009_V3

Family ID
Expressed or hypothetical protein group (plant-specificity: 93%) [OBSOLETE]
GP006009_V3 OBSOLETE  add to my list
Family name Expressed or hypothetical protein group
Creation date (last update: 2016-09-27 13:20:39)
Level 1
Type group
Owner greenphyl_v3
Evidence N/A
Access public - read only
Family description / comments
Sequences 8

(click on individual chart bar to display sequence composition below. Several bars can be selected and will remain highlighted)
Sequence total: 8
Species Sequence Count

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Alignment and filtration statistics:

Overall family sequences Sequences used for alignment (w/o splice) Sequences kept after filtration [min; median; max] ~average sequence length Alignment length Masked alignment length
8 8 (100%) 8 (100%) [318; 629; 845] ~638 573 573

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Alignment and filtration statistics:

Overall family sequences Sequences used for alignment (w/o splice) Sequences kept after filtration [min; median; max] ~average sequence length Alignment length Masked alignment length
8 8 (100%) 8 (100%) [318; 629; 845] ~638 573 573