Gene braol_pan_p024201

Sequence ID braol_pan_p024201  add to my list
Species Brassica oleracea
Alias No gene alias
Pangenome status Dispensable (2/3)
Length 156aa
Gene Ontology
Open Display term(s) (1)
metal ion transport
GO:0030001 - metal ion transport

Length: 156 amino acids


Multiple alignment used to build consensus sequence:

Clustering Level Family ID Family Name
Heavy metal transport/detoxification protein superfamily
Heavy metal transport/detoxification protein superfamily
Heavy metal transport/detoxification group1
Heavy metal transport/detoxification group1
3 GP040065 Unannotated cluster
4 GP463617 Unannotated cluster
Table 1: This table displays which families the selected sequence belongs to in GreenPhyl clustering ?.

ID Name Type
Heavy metal-associated domain, HMA
Heavy metal-associated domain, HMA Domain
Heavy metal-associated domain superfamily
Heavy metal-associated domain superfamily Homologous_superfamily

IPR006121 IPR036163
Figure 1: IPR domains for braol_pan_p024201

Represented sequence(s):
Unrepresented genome(s):

Homology RBH
Similar Sequence ID Type Evolutionary distance Node distance score e-value
AT1G06330.1 orthology 0.0869 2 275 9.71e-97
Cg2g008690.1 orthology 0.532 7 187 4.83e-62
Cm103060.1 orthology 0.526 8 187 5.72e-62
Cs2g15540.1 orthology 0.526 8 189 1.15e-62
FvH4_6g27360.1 orthology 0.475 3 185 4.27e-61
MELO3C018725.2.1 orthology 0.593 6 166 9.17e-54
Manes.15G048400.1 orthology 0.421 6 202 6.12e-68
brana_pan_p013116 orthology 0 1 321 1.17e-114
brarr_pan_p028890 orthology 0 1 321 9.45e-115
cajca.ICPL87119.gnm1.ann1.C.cajan_23872.1 orthology 0.552 9 177 2.48e-58
cucsa_pan_p019751 orthology 0.585 6 169 7.45e-55
medtr_pan_p000903 orthology 0.586 7 182 3.43e-60
phavu.G19833.gnm2.ann1.Phvul.005G095400.1 orthology 0.56 8 175 2.22e-57
soybn_pan_p032804 orthology 0.553 9 180 4.74e-59
thecc_pan_p014674 orthology 0.407 7 159 7.8e-51
vitvi_pan_p026446 orthology 0.452 5 193 2.79e-64